Frequently Asked Questions
Alternative Education
What is Alternative Education?
Alternative Education provides non-traditional learning environments and methods for students who may benefit from a different approach to education.
How can my child be placed in Alternative Education?
Placement in Alternative Education is typically determined through discussions involving parents, educators, and school administrators based on the student’s individual needs.
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
What is Career & Technical Education (CTE)?
Career & Technical Education provides students with the skills and knowledge needed for various careers. It includes hands-on learning and prepares students for both college and the workforce.
How can my child enroll in a CTE program?
To enroll in a CTE program, students typically need to express interest through their school counselor and complete the necessary application process.
Instructional Support Services
What are Instructional Support Services?
Instructional Support Services offer additional assistance to students and educators, including professional development, curriculum support, and technology integration.
How can teachers access Instructional Support Services?
Teachers can access support services by contacting the BOCES Instructional Support team through the provided channels.
Media Inquiries
How can the media contact BOCES for inquiries?
Members of the media can contact Mike Rukavina, Director of Communications & Development, at mrukavina@e2ccb.org.
What does Ombuds Services do?
- Provides a confidential place to share concerns, questions and complaints
- Listens attentively to understand the issue
- Provides or clarifies information on policies, procedures, services and programs
- Explores a range of formal and informal solutions or options
- Guides or coaches individuals to prepare for difficult conversations
- Opens channels of communication
- Refers individuals to appropriate resolution resources
- Facilitates informal dispute resolution processes
What won't Ombuds Services do?
- Make decisions for you
- Advocate for any individual or entity
- Take sides in a dispute or concern
- Create or maintain records on behalf of the visitor
- Conduct formal investigations
- Replace existing formal resources for complaints or grievances
- Establish or change policies or management decisions
- Determine the outcome of disputes
- Receive formal notice to E2CCB of a conflict, dispute or complaint
- Participate in grievances or other formal resolution process
When should I reach out?
- When you need someone to listen
- When you are uncertain where to take a problem
- When you are unclear about policy, process, procedure or regulation
- When you wish to have a neutral party hear your concerns
- When you need help in clarifying or resolving a conflict
- When you think you have been unfairly treated, or that a policy has been unfairly applied
- When you think someone has engaged in misconduct or believe there has been an ethical violation
Who is the Ombuds?
Experienced educator Stacey LC Aliasso Rowcliffe serves as the organizational Ombuds Officer. She has undergone extensive training in alternative dispute resolution and is a member of the International Ombuds Association.
Will Ombuds Services tell anyone I contacted them?
Ombuds Services won’t disclose the identity of a participant or the substance of confidential or personally identifiable communications – whether written, spoken or otherwise – unless Ombuds Services:
- Receives permission from a participant to make a disclosure;
- Determines there is an imminent risk of serious harm to the visitor or to others; or
- Is compelled or required by law to make the disclosure.
Ombuds Services also advises the organization about trends that have surfaced when it can do so without jeopardizing confidentiality.
Professional Learning Opportunities
What professional development opportunities does BOCES offer?
BOCES provides various professional development opportunities for educators. Details about upcoming sessions can be found on our website or by contacting our Professional Development team.
Project KNOW
Do you discuss sexual abuse?
Sexual abuse is not specifically addressed as part of the curriculum, but the topic may arise during anonymous questions. If there are specific questions, they are addressed in an age-appropriate manner with suggestions on possible resources should any student have a personal concern around this issue.
Do you stress abstinence?
Project KNOW is an abstinence-based program that emphasizes abstinence as the healthiest choice that students can make. The presentations emphasize that sexual intercourse should take place within a loving, adult, committed relationship.
Do you talk about alternative lifestyles?
Alternative lifestyles are not addressed in the curriculum. If the topic arises, it is treated as a controversial issue. (see above)
Do you talk about contraception?
If a school requests a presentation at the high school level, we provide that information. If a specific question about contraception is asked at any grade level, it is answered with an age-appropriate response and a reference to family values.
Do you talk about intercourse at the fifth grade level?
Intercourse is briefly discussed within the context of reproduction.
Do you talk about STDs?
Although there is no specific STD component to the curriculum, the topic is addressed through questions and discussions on risk behavior.
Do you teach values?
Project KNOW respects the fact that there are different family values. Although we do not teach any specific faith community values, we do promote culturally accepted ideals such as respect, honesty, and responsibility.
Does talking around sexuality encourage early sexual behaviors?
Once again, research has shown there is no correlation between knowledge and early sexual behavior, however, research does show that having accurate information allows students to make healthier choices.
How do you address controversial issues?
Students are told that the issue is controversial, which means that people have different values concerning that particular topic. A brief age-appropriate definition is given. We stress that it is important for them to seek their family’s and if applicable, community of faith’s values.
What if my child does not participate in Project KNOW?
Each school district decides where the child will go during the presentations. In our experience, this is done in a manner that respects the family’s decision.
What other grade levels do you teach?
Project KNOW presents at the fifth and sixth grade, seventh and/or eighth, and high school upon the request of the school district.
Why do you begin in fifth grade?
Research shows:
• The average onset of puberty is happening earlier (as early as 8 years old in some cases).
• Family communication is enhanced by the fact that developmentally, fifth graders are curious and willing to talk about and ask questions around sexuality.
• Accurate information is crucial to healthy decision-making.
Why do you separate the boys and girls for the last two days of programming?
Project KNOW separates by gender for the last two days of programming at the fifth-grade level. Our experience shows that this provides a more comfortable atmosphere for the topics discussed at this point in the curriculum (reproduction, childbirth, anonymous questions). One of the goals of our program is to help students learn about and communicate effectively across the genders. Providing time together with the introductory material accomplishes this goal.
What does P-TECH stand for?
P-TECH stands for Pathways in Technology Early College High School. It’s an innovative program that combines high school, college, and workplace experiences.
How can my child benefit from the P-TECH program?
P-TECH allows students to earn an associate degree and gain real-world experience through mentorships, setting them on a path to successful careers.
Special Education
What special education services does BOCES offer?
BOCES provides a range of special education services tailored to individual needs. This includes support for students with learning disabilities, behavioral challenges, and other exceptionalities.
How can I request special education services for my child?
Parents can initiate the process by contacting their child’s school and discussing their concerns with the school’s special education coordinator.
Teacher Certification
Can I make an appointment to receive assistance from the E2CCB Regional Certification Office?
Most assistance can be provided via email or over the telephone. The certification specialists can be reached Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Find contact information at the bottom of this page.
Can I obtain an application for certification from the E2CCB Regional Certification Office?
Can my transcripts be reviewed by the E2CCB Regional Certification Office?
I want to be evaluated by the E2CCB Regional Certification Office. What do I need to do?
I'm interested in becoming a certified teacher in New York State. How do I get started?
Visit the New York State Office of Teaching Initiatives website to learn about the certificates that are available, the requirements for each, and the pathways to certification. Once you have more information, contact us and we’ll help you through the process!
If I hold a certificate from another state, am I automatically entitled to a New York State certificate?
No, there are two pathways available with unique requirements. For more information:
Applicants from Other States (Interstate Reciprocity):Preparation Pathways:OTI:NYSED
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